Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gentrification in Los Angeles

Much of the gentrification ideas that appear in the South Los Angeles has to do with building addition condominiums and apartments as well as finding more job opportunities. Examples include bringing an NFL team to Los Angeles and they could play at the Coliseum. Gentrification in Los Angeles has been an ongoing project that has displayed both positive and negative aspects.

Although the idea of improved housing for low income areas is a forward thinking ideal, the population of these areas can hardly afford the improvements. The construction does allow for more jobs but overall, many prefer their current housing if the improvements can come in different areas, including education. Areas in Los Angeles that are currently being gentrified are Echo Park, Toonerville, Lincoln Heights, and City Terrace.

One specific problem with the stage of gentrification these areas are under is the population growth that is occurring in these areas including higher immigration rates. The goal is to build 220,000 housing units per year. Obviously, such a large number comes with the consequence of displacement. Many of the people who are displaced have to move to places that are less affordable.

Monday, November 1, 2010

USC University Park Master Plan

USC's current master plan for creating a healthier learning and living environment for its students has now lasted four years.  The plan is the long term is most definitely going to help not only the campus itself, but also its surrounding community.

In the master plan itself, it highlights that USC serves as an "economic engine" for the community. Also, included in the master plan is role and mission of USC. I believe that this master plan will create a safer, and healthier environment for all students at USC as well as people living in Los Angeles surrounding the campus.

If I could change one thing about the master plan, I would state more specific goals right on the main page instead of through the links on the page. This way, more people can see the overall goal, and get a greater sense of what direction the University is heading.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Second Look at Black Power Salute

Tommie Smith taking stride in the 200 meter sprint
After the research I have done on this topic, my perception on the topic did change. I now see it as a far greater action than I ever did before. Many saw it simply as politics through sports. Another couple of athletes who believe they have a voice in more than what they do best. This could not be further from the truth. Tommie Smith and John Carlos risked almost everything when they rolled the dice and decided to come through and raise a black gloved fist while bowing their heads during the national anthem on the podium.

This action came during a time when police brutality of the black population was at a height. In fact in 1961, in Watts, California alone, there were 60 killings of black males by the police. Of the 60, 25 were unarmed, 27 were shot in the back. All 60 homicides were justified and upheld by the court.

On top of this, many black soldiers were being drafted into the Vietnam War. Despite the fact that there was still heavy segregation in our own country, how can we expect many of these black soldiers to be willing to contribute to what they called the US Imperialist movement. Black and white soldiers would get into brawls at their camps. Black soldiers wore amulets around their necks to symbolize black power. Smith and Carlos demonstrated the strength to provide the inspiration needed for these Black soldiers to take a stance.

Smith and Carlos used sport as a gateway to take a stance with all eyes watching. The Olympics is a global event, not simply a national one. These two proved that no matter what background a person has, one can make a difference if they really want to.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

1968 Olympics and the Black Power Salute

The topic I am choosing for assignment number 3 is the Black Power Salute displayed by Tommie Smith and John Carlos during the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City. The power and symbolism behind the salute defines the whole segregation era. I feel that this would be an excellent topic for re-evaluation.

I believe this is a good candidate for re-evaluation because Smith and Carlos were not only trying to empower black athletes, but they were trying to prove a point and take a stance in regards to the entire black population in the United States. Being in the Olympics is one of the greatest honors because the athletes represent the entire country. Through the Olympic Project for Human Rights, Smith and Carlos small action became heavily debated and was seen as very controversial at the time.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Better Social Network Activism?

In order for movements to make better use of "social network activism," movements need to post to as many social networks as possible. The more posts that the movement has, the more recognition and exposure it will acquire. The word of the movement will spread faster than Muhammad Ali's mouth, not to mention his punches. In order to improve the effectiveness of the movement, they could try to appeal to the younger generation since they are the ones who most actively access social networking websites such as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace.

Many feel that the movement dies as soon as it is exposed. This is because they feel that there is no follow through among their original followers. In order to increase their follow through amount, the movements could create incentives. For example, their could be prizes involved if a group is raising money for global poverty. This would increase participation among the online users.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Social Networkism

In our technology driven world of today, social networks are taking over the world wide web: Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, the list goes on and on. These social networking websites are becoming increasing popular with not just teenagers but adults as well. Communication through the internet has never been easier. Catching up with supposedly long lost friends is now possible.

Through this easy access to millions among millions of people, representatives of so called movements send out a mass message asking for our support. For example there are groups that ask for our help with stopping the kidnapping or genocide in Uganda. How is a Facebook group going to help kids in Uganda? The group will send out messages that ask for either donations or more information to all of the people in the group, but 99% of the people, a vast majority of the time, the people include me.

At times, the multitude of messages that these groups send out can seem like an irritation or annoying. Maybe the person feels good about themselves because they joined the group, but doesn't follow through at all. This may happen because these social networking sites are not nearly the same as what we experience in real life.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Most Interesting Man in the World's EFFECTIVENESS

Jonathan Goldsmith's portrayal of the world's most interesting man is mostly effective as a campaign to sell Dos Equis beer. He comes off as clever, witty, humerous, and athletic, an icon among all idols. Knowing this, who would not want to drink the beer that this man does? However, this campaign has very little to do with the beer itself, which may give some customers doubt.

Goldsmith's character in this campaign as a prominent hispanic figure is convincing but ironic. Goldsmith was born in New York to two Jewish parents. For the common American his character seems to be a very positive and influential character. On the other hand, it is possible for the hispanic population to take this commercial offensively. Why not get a real hispanic icon to play the role? Why do we need some fictional and mystical character to play this part?

This campaign can be compared to the old Frito Bandito commercials. Frito Bandito was the sterotypical Meican with the large mustache and sombrero. His character had a negative connotation as he would steal the Fritos, which can easily be taken the wrong way. Was racism prevalent in these commercials? What about in the Dos Equis commercial? Goldsmith is a character on the opposite end of the scale of Frito Bandito. He is always surrounded by women and portrayed as the perfect man. He is a non-hispanic man playing that role.

In my opinion, in no way were the Dos Equis people trying to offend a specific population yet there are subtle hints of negativity. Perhaps they could have used a true hispanic icon and that would have solved this problem. Even with this situation, the advertisements are still effective because of the humor involved in them.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Most Interesting Man in the World

Many believe Jonathan Goldsmith more commonly known as "The Most Interesting Man in the World" is one of the reincarnations of Gandhi scattered throughout the world to make where we live a better place. Just his presence on this planet makes Earth a more knowledgeable place. He is the spokesman and the face of the beer Dos Equis. Dos Equis was first brewed by a German born Mexican. The two X's on the infamous green bottle signify the 20th century as in Siglo XX (XX are roman numerals).

Jonathan Goldsmith himself was born to Jewish parents in the Big Apple. However, to highlight the Dos Equis beer, in the commercials Goldsmith is made out to be of hispanic descent. This is probably to attract a specific target audience for the commercial.

He attended New York University but dropped out in order to pursue an acting career. There's no doubt that his decision was the right one. Now anyone who has watched one of his commercials is a more enlightened being.


-30 sec ad #1
-30 sec ad #2
-30 sec ad #3
-30 sec ad #4
-30 sec ad #5
-"Those Nuts"
-"Pick-Up Lines"
-"Two-Party System"

Friday, August 27, 2010

Non-Violence is the Only Way

Gandhi's Speech

Top 5 Favorite Gandhi Quotes

1. "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."
2. "Fear is not a disease of the body; fear kills the soul"
3. "The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems"
4. "We must become the change we want to see."
5. "An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind."